Accredited rubber stamp

How our accreditations benefit our customers.

As a company, we have evolved from a small niche business to one of the leading calibration and environmental monitoring organisations in the UK. From forging a great reputation in the life science and pharmaceutical sectors, we’ve expanded into the aerospace, automotive, semiconductor and nuclear sectors. With that wealth of experience and knowledge in particle counters and sensor installations, we can provide a complete service for cleanroom measurement and monitoring.

Quality Systems

As we are trusted by our customers with some of their most critical operational environments, it is a key business requirement for us to manage our control systems to provide the highest possible quality of service, expertise and reliability. It’s a commitment to excellence that we’re pleased to be able to demonstrate through our accreditation to the international standard for quality management systems, ISO 9001:2015.

Calibration Standards

To ensure that we act confidentially and impartially at all times, and that our calibration and monitoring measurements are accurate to defined industry and regulatory parameters, we’re also accredited by UKAS to the international standard for calibration and service laboratories ISO 17025:2017.

Health & Safety

Knowing that our operations and installations are undertaken in sensitive and high-risk environments, the management of Health & Safety is a key factor. It is essential that we comply with all regulatory requirements and that risk is eliminated or reduced to its lowest possible level. To that end, we are committed to our ISO 45001:2018 accreditation for the management of Health & Safety. It demonstrates to our customers that we are adhering to the highest possible safety standards when working on their sites.

Data Security

At FMS, we’ve also implemented processes, procedures and systems to prevent data security breaches. These safeguards are audited under our Cyber Essentials accreditation.

We have other robust processes and systems in place that are independently audited by registered auditors under UKAS-accredited schemes. The evaluation of systems includes our training, legal & and regulatory conformity, technical proficiency, the successful completion of internal audits and a full evaluation of our risks and opportunities.

Our 9001 and 45001 accreditations have been awarded by AFNOR, the French standardisation association, which reflects the truly global nature of our business. The 17025 accreditation is awarded by UKAS as the sole national accreditation body recognised by the British government to assess the competence of organisations that provide testing, inspection and calibration services.

Good For Customers

How does all this benefit us and our customers? It means that our credentials, knowledge and experience ensure that solutions from FMS are unbeatable in terms of performance, value, reliability and operational lifespan.

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